Five Mystical Practices to Transform Spaces

Magical was her presence
And magic is what she felt
when she unlocked the dreams
hidden in every soul she met

But you can’t take magicians for granted
They leave sooner than you think
They have many realms to serve
and many wounds to heal

In her final gesture of generosity
she left us with five essential gifts
As the fire transformed the matter into spirit
I could see what makes her an alchemist

* * *

When you listen
Listen with your whole being
Letting yourself dissolve
into the space in between
Listen to fully receive the words,
the pauses, the breathlessness
and its resonance

When you speak
Speak from deepest of your heart
Speak the truth that is naked and not yet born
Let the words rise from your gut
where kindness meets courage
to sing the song that we all long for

When you lead
Lead like the earth
Vast, spacious and invisible
Like a vessel that holds the whole
where all are welcomed
and everyone is transformed

And when you celebrate
Celebrate like little children
Meet each other on the playground
Laugh, play and rejoice
Every moment of your life
with innocent tears and gracious smiles

But when you leave
Leave quietly
in the silent hour of the night
The dreams you sowed will carry your essence
The butterfly that nurtured the flowers
will now fly into the eternal

* * *

Magicians don’t leave us
They only dissolve
Inviting us to source their message
within our heart

With deep gratitude
Manish Srivastava

My friend, mentor, guide, Sonali Ojha, left us quietly on 20th July night. She touched so many souls and transformed so many spaces. Gathering a constellation of awesome people in a short lifetime. We don’t know how we will ever fill this void. We can only sit in silence, letting her essence dissolve in our being.