Does this virus really care
For the stories, we tell
Is it aware of its lethal spread
Or any benign side effects

Will it spare you
For your bureaucratic power
Political maneuver
Or grand religious affairs

Will, it ever feel remorse
For unfair deal, it gave to those
With more burden and suffering

Will it get any credit
For the radically reduced carbon footprints
Or the management insights generated on LinkedIn

Is the virus aware that we are already infected
By the destructive pathogens of fear, greed, and hatred
Can the virus stand its own insignificance
And bear our unprocessed projections
Does the virus know it could be an unconscious cure
for many ills, we humans cause on ourselves

Viruses are innocent
They come and go

Humans need stories
Some to scare
Some to survive

Life sits alone
On an old armchair
Always beautiful
Always fragile


-Manish Srivastava

(from the Sacred Well)


Added on 21 March after this news:

Does the virus care for your entitlements?
Your power or status won’t help you get out of this one
Look within O Powerfuls, its a lesson in “responsibility”

Free Photo by cottonbro from Pexels